Consultancy services
We offer a comprehensive range of consultancy services, particularly for governments and related organisations implementing programmes of reform, democratisation and poverty reduction. We advise central, regional and local government, as well as parliaments, civil society organisations, the media and public-private partnerships.
Our consultants and associates are highly professional practitioners and academics who have expertise in a wide range of areas and international experience in designing and implementing consultancy projects and programmes.
We are familiar with all stages of the consultancy process – preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation – and with techniques for bringing best practice to our clients. We are very flexible and can manage large scale and long-term projects as well as short-term assignments. Our consultants have a wealth of experience of working with international agencies and development partners.

Our ongoing and recently completed projects:
- Africa: Support for Capacity Development of the African Union Commission and other African Union Organs Project
- Armenia: Justice Monitoring
- Armenia: Assistance to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development in Reviewing the Training System for Municipal Staff
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Support to the EU Integration Process in the Federation
- Bosnia and Herzegovina:Support to the Implementation of Quality Management Standards (QMS) for State-Level Institutions of BiH
- Commonwealth countries: Independent Review of the Commonwealth Democracy Programme
- Cuba: Workshop on Doing Business Successfully
- Georgia: Training and Support for Implementation of the Law on the Civil Service
- Georgia: Introducing a Human Resources Management System in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara
- Kosovo: Framework Contract for Capacity Development in the Field of Policy Development and Co-ordination
- Kosovo: Support to the Kosovo Statistics Agency
- Kosovo: Support for the Kosovo Competition Authority, the Public Procurement Review Body and State Aid Department
- Lesotho: Formulating a National Human Resources/Manpower Development Policy for the Ministry of Development Planning
- Macedonia: Public Administration Reform and E-Government for the Ministry of Information Society and Administration
- Moldova: Improving the Administration of Public Assets in State Owned Enterprises
- Moldova: Public Awareness Campaign on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Moldova and the EU
- Serbia: Communication and Awareness-Raising Campaign for the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Government
- Serbia: Developing a Methodology for Analysing Changes in Trade Regimes
- South Sudan: Mid-Term Review of the Local Governance and Service Delivery Project
- DFID / FCO / MOD: Conflict Stability and Security Fund (Lot A and B)
- EC Framework Agreement: – BENF 2009 on Education, Culture, Social and Employment (Lot 9)
- European Parliament Framework Agreement: Multiple Framework-Service Contract for the provision of external expertise to the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in third countries (Lot 3)
- SIDA Framework Agreement: Agreement on Democratic Governance and Human Rights
- Ukraine: Support to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in Improving Public Procurement
Our approach
Working together
Our approach is to work in collaboration with counterpart organisations and to develop a shared view of the outcomes expected of consultancy support programmes. Our teams focus on local needs and priorities, making sure that they are aware of the political, social and cultural environment in which projects take place. Our methods are participative throughout. We are conscious of the need to build in, at the project design stage, effective ways of strengthening capacity within counterpart organisations to ensure that skills are transferred and new developments are sustainable.