About the workshop
Governments have committed themselves to advancing gender equality through the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and other policy frameworks that explicitly link gender equality and women’s empowerment to sustainable and inclusive growth and development. There is growing evidence that promoting gender equality is “smart economics”, and that closing gender gaps in education, labour markets and access to resources and opportunities will contribute to socio- economic development that benefits all. Ensuring women’s voice and participation in political institutions and governance processes can also help to make them more transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of poor and marginalised groups. However, despite policy commitments, there is a lack of knowledge and capacity to integrate gender into policy and programming. The workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to apply gender analysis and integrate gender at all stages of the programming cycle, with a focus on providing sector-specific examples.
What the workshop will cover
The workshop will concentrate on integrating gender into development programming, drawing on a range of practical tools and existing evidence base of “what works” as well as comparative experience from other countries. Recognising the range of policy areas and programming sectors relevant to integrating gender into development responses, we will adapt the programme as far as possible to your particular needs while demonstrating generally applicable good practice and international standards. A key feature of the workshop will be visits to UK institutions where you can meet with counterparts, experience policy-making and programming in action and establish useful contacts for the future.
How participants will benefit
The workshop is designed to enable you to:
• Broaden your knowledge of key concepts, tools, recent developments and innovations in gender and development, using practical country-based examples
• Exchange experiences with fellow policy-makers and practitioners from a range of other countries
• Identify aspects of UK and international experience that are relevant to the integration of gender equality across policy-making in your own country
• Provide an overview of useful gender analysis tools and techniques that can be applied to different stages of programme development and management
• Enable you to interact and communicate effectively with key stakeholders in your own country (for example, programme beneficiaries, civil society, political parties and the media)
• Introduce you to key experts and practitioners, so that you can develop lasting networks for exchange and knowledge transfer.