About the workshop
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) skills have been in demand for a long time, but in recent years there is an increasing emphasis on learning the lessons from M&E reviews to improve planning of future programmes and projects. In the world of international development, policy makers, politicians, programme designers and project managers need to be able to produce evidence-based results so as to demonstrate to the public that money is being well spent and that real benefits are being achieved. In recent times additional pressure on funding and the requirement for efficient and effective programme delivery. Good M&E plays a vital part in enabling this.
This one-week intensive workshop will give you a thorough understanding of the skills needed and the tools available for developing sustainable and cost-effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) processes and practices, from the policy development stage through to final outcomes.
What the workshop will cover
It will draw on a wide variety of scenarios and examples, including the global pandemic, to demonstrate the tools, processes and procedures that will cover:
• How to use logical frameworks, Theories of Change and other key MEL techniques
• Building in learning opportunities from the start
• Results-based MEL
• Using impact assessments
• Results-based management for development
• Examples of M&E tools and techniques used
• Identification of Key Performance Indicators and how to use them
• Modern data collection techniques, data analysis and management
• Large and smaller scale practical approaches to MEL
• Planning and tracking the benefits of projects, starting from the outline Business Case
• Value for Money
• How to collect and use lessons learned for future programmes.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will enable you to:
• View the MEL process from end to end
• Establish the basics for setting up an MEL facility
• Obtain “ready-to-use” templates
• Through a series of practical exercises, help you to practise using processes and procedures
• Improve the effectiveness of the MEL process to help assess programme impacts and give assurance to existing and potential stakeholders
• Use trending and risk management to ensure ‘early warning’ and other strategies for preventing failures.