About the workshop
Good quality legislation is vital to the governance of any jurisdiction, and in order to achieve it a high standard of legislative drafting is required. To draft effectively, legislative drafters need to have a clear understanding of why legislation is set out as it is, what exactly the functions are of various elements in it (e.g., commencement, objects, application and duration provisions) and how important aspects of legislation can and should operate.
The workshop will enable you to examine different types of common statutes, including those that set up statutory corporations and provide for licensing and taxation.
What the workshop will cover
The workshop has three main components:
• Examining, discussing and understanding legislative drafting objectives and techniques
• Undertaking an intensive series of classroom exercises designed to enable you to understand the most important elements of, and different types of, modern legislation
• Considering, in the light of drafts produced, and of shared experience, the most practical ways in which effective legislative rules may be produced.
You will be invited to give an informal presentation on your own procedures and to identify any particularly pressing problems relating to the drafting of legislation in your home country.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will:
• Cover in detail some of the finer points of the skill of drafting
• Examine particular elements of statutes and subsidiary legislation
• Look specifically at aspects of drafting (e.g., retrospectivity, extra-territoriality) that drafters sometimes find difficult
• Offer guidance as to legislative plans
• Help identify area in which your drafting of legislation could be improved.