Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness

In Good Governance by publicadmin

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 9 to 13 September 2024

Tuition fees: £2,400 (exc. VAT)
Location: London 

Dates: 19 to 23 May 2025 
Content being updated – brochure available soon
Location: Dubai 

About the workshop
High standards of corporate governance are at the heart of high performing organisations. It is about how an organisation acts, agrees its strategic framework (vision, mission and values) and ensures that it meets its objectives. In both the public and private sectors, it has been shown that organisations and countries applying good corporate governance perform substantially better than those that do not. Corporate governance is a wide-ranging area and this workshop aims to distil the necessary elements in a structured manner.

Sound resource and performance management and high standards of probity are core elements of good corporate governance and achieving the objectives set. This workshop will examine best practice in forming and monitoring a strategic approach to the application of human, financial, information and asset resources. Effective decision making and performance management are key elements of corporate governance and form a substantial part of this workshop. Bringing together human resource, risk, financial and asset management into a coherent overall plan is a key part of that approach.

Technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), coupled with the aftermath of the pandemic has changed the ways in which many organisations work and interact with customers, service users or citizens. The workshop will examine how these factors should be managed so as to maximize the available opportunities while mitigating the attendant risks. Additionally, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are now critical. The workshop will cover these aspects in terms of strategic focus and decision making.
Effective boards make a big difference to organisational focus and performance and to ensuring that objectives are effectively and appropriately pursued. This workshop examines and explores the ways in which boards should be constructed, including their sub-committees. We will look at the skill sets that board members need to have and will examine the roles and responsibilities of Directors, including that of non-executive board members.

What the workshop will cover
You will be able to develop your understanding of:
• The critical elements of corporate governance
• The decision-making and reporting structures and supporting mechanisms underpinning corporate governance
• Developing a positive organisational culture and responsible and ethical behaviour
• Organisational strategies, including those relating to human resources (HR), finance, information and technology and assets
• Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues
• Risk management approaches
• Performance monitoring and management
• The role of the board and board effectiveness in the public and private sectors
• How to make the most of the non-executive board members.

How participants will benefit
The week will help you to:
• Appreciate the contribution of good corporate governance and good decision making
• Recognise the importance of vision, mission and values
• Understand how integrated strategies for HR, finance, assets and information and technology can be developed
• Apply improved risk and performance management
• Understand the issues surrounding digital technology and increasing ESG requirements
• Understand personal characteristics of an effective board member
• Contribute to board effectiveness through teamwork.