About the workshop
The rule of law is internationally recognised both as a bedrock of healthy democracy and as a prerequisite of good governance. It embodies respect for the principle of equal access to justice for all citizens, rich and poor, and it renders the legality of public actions by all public servants – including those of top officials and politicians – liable to scrutiny and review by independent courts. These principles are embedded in the Charter of the United Nations and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are recognised in the constitutions of nation states around the world.
Observance of the rule of law has major economic implications: confidence in the fairness and the accessibility of a country’s legal system and in the independence of its judiciary affects the willingness of other countries to do business with that country. Recent events – in particular, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, are placing great pressure on the rule of law.
This workshop will explore practical strategies for reinforcing respect for the rule of law, with particular reference to the delivery of justice and access to the justice system.
What the workshop will cover
During the workshop you will be able to examine how the key UK mechanisms and agencies, such as courts and tribunals, the Ministry of Justice and its executive agencies, the legal aid system and the legal professions relate to one another and manage and deliver their services. It will enable you to consider, in the light of shared experience, options for reform in your own country, action plans and strategies for change.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will:
• Examine the meaning and significance of the rule of law
• Familiarise you with recent and current initiatives to modernise the management and delivery of justice
• Enable you to understand the financial and other obstacles to access to the justice system
• Identify aspects of UK experience and the experiences of other participants with a view to identifying changes to policy and practice that can be applied in your own country
• Help you to identify practical ways of initiating relevant and sustainable change to enhance respect for the rule of law and access to justice on return to your home country.