About the workshop
The workplace is becoming more challenging as individuals are expected to perform in ever-changing organisations, more so now than ever in view of the global pandemic. Internal disagreements can arise in any workplace, and where there is workplace interaction there will inevitably be disagreement and dispute from time to time. These can lead to conflict which, if unresolved, can be costly to both individuals and the organisation. We have had to change and adapt our ways of working due to the global pandemic and managers need to be skilful interveners who can facilitate constructive discussions with those in dispute. This workshop is designed to lead to a better understanding of how to address and resolve issues early before they escalate. The workshop will focus on how to respond appropriately and to manage disputes in a fair and equitable manner. You will learn how to use alternative dispute resolution techniques through role play and exploring different scenarios.
What the workshop will cover
• How to recognise different approaches to managing conflict and how this affects the workplace
• Effective early interventions to diffuse conflict
• How you as an individual can manage conflict and the keys skills required for you to be an effective mediator, especially in a post-COVID-19 world
• Identifying and practising communication, influencing and persuasion skills that will help to manage and resolve conflict
• How to develop your negotiation and conflict management skills.
How participants will benefit
During the week you will be able to:
• Explore a model of mediation and enhance your skills as a workplace mediator
• Develop the knowledge and confidence to be able to intervene constructively in disputes so as to reach mutually agreed solutions
• Better understand why and how people react to conflict in the workplace and respond appropriately
• Ensure that a dispute resolution process is integral to the human resources function and to the organisation, and is supported by appropriate policies and procedures
• Play a key role in promoting harmonious working relations for your organisation.