About the workshop
It is much easier and much more effective to prevent fraud and corruption before it occurs than to find and deal with it after it happens. As all too many organisations discover to their cost, the resources, effort and reputational damage of responding to wrongdoing after the event is disproportionately high. If economic crime or other forms of ethical abuses do occur, then the earlier they are detected and dealt with the better. This one-week workshop is designed to support the successful prevention and early detection of fraud and corruption in its many forms.
It will explore:
• How the risks of and opportunities for unethical behaviour can be reduced through enhanced legislation, increased accountability and effective deterrence mechanisms
• The importance of core values and codes of conduct
• Ways of supporting individuals to recognise and avoid conflicts of interest
• How early detection can be made more possible and likely through effective supervision as well as regular monitoring and oversight activities.
What the workshop will cover
The main aims of this workshop are to:
• Assist you in developing and introducing practical mechanisms for establishing, promoting and sustaining an ethical infrastructure in the public life of your own country
• Explore options for detecting unethical behaviour and corrupt acts.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will enable you to:
• Enhance your understanding of ways of establishing, embedding, communicating and upholding core values
• Discuss the importance of codes of conduct and registers of interests
• Identify areas of risk and how these have evolved during the pandemic
• Consider how to create an environment within which transparency and accountability can more readily be improved
• Understand mechanisms for detecting corruption and unethical behaviour
• Identify aspects of UK experience which can be applied internationally and aspects of overseas experience from which the UK system can benefit.