Strategic Public Financial Management

In Procurement and Public Finance by Amanda Anderson

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 18 to 22 November 2024
Tuition fees: £2,305 (exc. VAT)

About the workshop
Public financial management at a strategic level is part of overall corporate governance, directed towards supporting organisations in achieving their objectives in often challenging environments, environments which have been made even more challenging by the impacts of the pandemic. This creates a need for excellence in managing resources, including people, assets, money and information. This workshop will focus on developing financial strategies that are interlinked and that form a fundamental part of the organisation’s strategic planning, including:
• The big picture – managing financial resources
• Financial management’s contribution to effective overall corporate governance and the achievement of strategic objectives
• The linkages between finance, human resources, information and asset management strategies
• The role of the finance function.

What the workshop will cover
• Good practice in public financial management
• Budgeting and budgetary control
• Medium-term financial planning and programme and performance budgeting
• Integration with corporate strategies
• Financial planning for environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements
• Financial risk management, including with reference to potential external crises
• Scrutiny and expenditure review
• Standards in public life.

How participants will benefit
It will enable you to:
• Implement stable planning and budgeting frameworks to assist financial management, effectiveness and propriety
• Understand and fulfil the role of managers and accountants in financial management
• Support Management Boards and the political / managerial process more effectively
• Appreciate the corporate governance implications of better management of resources
• Assist your organisation to plan for sustainability requirements
• Implement improved medium-term financial planning and budgeting
• Link the role of budgeting to risk management, performance management and resource allocation.